APAC Student Recruiting Trends.
In this report, we set out to get a real grasp of what we can expect for APAC student recruiting trends. Our goal was to figure out exactly how recruiters can be more adaptable to upcoming trends by identifying them, addressing challenges and offering innovative techniques to mitigate them. We reviewed anonymous application data from 1.7 million candidates. These candidates were applying to graduate programmes in business across finance, government, professional services, advertising, engineering and retail.

Using Oleeo Technology.
With the help of Universum, we also used extracts from the 2018 Talent Insight reports series. Specifically, we concentrated on responses from 6,692 business students and 5,841 engineering/IT students across the UK. This is what we took into consideration:
– Student aspirations for what they want to do next after graduation & career goals
– Characteristics that define the attractiveness of an employer among students
– Favoured communication channels for employer messaging
– Prominence of social media for employer messaging
Where data is collected, 82% of all hires in APAC declare themselves as ‘Asian’ and 16% do not declare or say Other. This leaves just 4% for White, Asian or Mixed despite high numbers of international workers starting their career in the Asia-Pacific region.
Competition to be hired is stiffer in 2018 than it was in 2017. In our last report, 2% of applicants went on to accept offers whereas in 2018 this has slightly fallen. Finance and professional services average at just 1% success (hired) rates.
Overseas hiring also remained broadly similar to 2017. Canada, USA, UK, France, Canada and Italy consistently appear in top countries outside of the APAC region where applicants want to be based in Asia-Pacific for a first job – with around 10% successfully being hired and moving to the continent. APAC employers appear able to entice overseas interest in different working lifestyles combined with the philanthropic and tourism opportunities available across the region.
There’s still a gap in gender hiring between male and females. Overall, there is still a gap in gender hiring, but the gap is smaller as time goes on. Recruiters will need to be conscious of the industries that are struggling the most to close this gap.

Full report findings
The findings of the full report show just how tough competition is to hire the best talent in graduate recruitment. Candidates are more empowered than ever before and employers have to work extra hard to secure the candidates that will prosper in their organization and help deliver business growth. Getting a hire wrong isn’t only costly, poor hiring can lead to lower productivity, reduced levels of employee morale and engagement and ultimately more attrition. It is a vicious circle. Knowing what worked well in the past can help to fine-tune the types of candidates that carry high favor within a firm. Click the buttons below to access the report or talk to us today about how we can assist.