12 Fast & Effective Ideas to Hire Top Talent.
Recruiting technologies are continuously improving the way we work and updating day-to-day processes. But technology isn’t the only thing that can assist when you’re trying to grow your workforce fast. Here are some inexpensive (but proven) methods to kick off hiring and hire top talent to help see your business grow and prosper in the long term future. Download the full eBook to get more information on each of the twelve ideas today!
Using Oleeo Technology.
Try a little flattery
Send out an email that reminds them of their first day with the company and ask if there’s anyone who might welcome a job offer.
Make sure they understand the process
Many employees don’t refer their friends or family because they don’t know what will happen next. Give a quick explanation about what happens when they give a referral.
Give them some face time
If you’re in the same location as your employees, ask them into your office for a cup of coffee and walk them through the process.
Encourage their honesty
You want employee ambassadors, not employee liars. Explain to your colleagues they can be honest about what’s great about the hiring process and the company…and what’s not so great.
Be specific
We often think about family and friends when talking about or planning out referral programs, but we’re far more likely to be successful if we’re specific about where employees can and should look.
Start with existing candidates
In the past circumstances or qualifications may have rejected a candidate who would be perfect for a new role or the same role at this point in time.
Source talent from your ATS
This was mentioned above, but it’s worth saying twice. Your company likely spends quite a bit of effort keeping records of current and former candidates.
Take a long, hard look at your requirements
Researchers have found that men typically apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the requirements, whereas women wait until they meet 100% of those same requirements.
This train is leaving the station
If you haven’t approached your colleagues and executives about starting a training program, you should! 68% of workers say training and development is the most important workplace policy.
Ask around
Your employees know their jobs better than you do. What do they know now about their job that they didn’t notice when they took it?
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Your job ad needs a headline and as cheesy as it sounds, those old newspapers knew how to catch attention! The average attention span is now only 8 seconds long
Bennies and the Jets.
Okay, there are probably no jets in your organization but you probably DO have benefits you didn’t even know you had. Do a little research to learn what you can offer your candidates.