
Samir Khelil

APAC Director

Samir Khelil is APAC Director at Oleeo. Born in Algeria, educated in France, Samir was at Oleeo in London for 16 years and now heads up operations in South East Asia for the firm. A keen free runner, Samir has an interest in psychology looking at why people do what they do, and how they make decisions. He has taken this passion to help evolve the Oleeo recruitment technology offering and ensure that it includes a lot of these traits in practical and measurable ways.

Like Spider Man, Samir says that his job comes with the feeling that “With great power comes great responsibility”. Key to his role, Samir helps ensure that Oleeo sales are fuelled by strong communication, demonstrable expertise and focus. He is committed to always innovating and pushing more of the diversity agenda into everyday recruitment using more big data and automation.

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