Virtual Career Fair
What is a Virtual Career Fair?
Virtual recruitment is becoming increasingly popular, and that includes the rise of virtual career fairs. Virtual career fairs are ways for employers and job seekers to meet virtually, usually via video chat. Multiple recruiters and job seekers could be in the virtual room at one time, discussing the company, the vacancies, and what the company is looking for. It’s a simple way for recruiters and job seekers to get to know each other in a relaxed way, with the potential of a brand-new working relationship.
Usually, the recruiters will host the sessions on the web and invite several relevant job seekers to join them. Like in-person job fairs, this usually involves college students, but it can include more people. The job seekers often provide their resumes and personal information beforehand so that the recruiters know enough about them before the conversations commence.
Virtual career fairs allow recruiters a broader reach for finding the best candidates, as restrictions for travel don’t come into play. People can attend from all over without having to leave their homes. Plus, it gives job seekers the chance to get to know various companies so that they make the right career decisions. Candidates do need to still consider their location. However, it introduces them to the wider world of work.
If a company wants to make the most out of a virtual career fair, recruiters must make the event easy to access, find relevant candidates to attend, and choose the right platform.