Social Recruiting
What is Social Recruiting?
Searching for new talent via social media platforms is known as social recruiting. It’s a way for companies to network online with thousands of people. Companies can use a range of social media platforms, from LinkedIn to Twitter to Google Plus.
Social recruiting usually works better for companies that already have a strong social media presence. If a company’s brand has thousands of followers and a good online reputation, there are already many potential candidates right there – all it takes is a dedicated hiring post.
Companies have the decision of which social media platform to use for social recruiting. The most popular is LinkedIn, as it’s a platform dedicated to professionals and already has millions of job listings on the site. However, that isn’t the only option. Looking for employees on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Snapchat can prove worthwhile.
Each social media platform requires a slightly different method of posting. A job ad posted on Twitter, for example, won’t look identical to the one posted on Facebook. Twitter would be short and straight to the point, while Facebook listings tend to go more into detail because of the higher character limit. Each offers benefits.
Most companies now choose to network for candidates on social media due to their large talent pool. Plus, it gives employers the chance to access candidates who might not be actively looking for work but are still interested in the job opening.