
Candidate Engagement

What is Candidate Engagement?

Candidate engagement is a crucial part of an employer’s recruitment strategy. It’s the act of keeping up communications with candidates throughout the entire process of recruitment. It is done in various ways, including email, text, and scheduling face-to-face meetings. The goal of candidate engagement is to keep applicants interested so that the employer has plenty of talent to choose from.

After attracting applicants, a candidate engagement strategy focuses on keeping up with communications. For example, after a job application is submitted, the employer may text the applicant notifying them the application was received and thanking them for filling it out. If there are a couple of days (or weeks) between reviewing applications and interviewing, the employer could email all candidates to keep them up to date with the process. It’s all about making sure candidates do not forget about or lose interest in the role. Keeping applicants interested in the role will make the hiring process easier and quicker.

Technology plays a massive role in candidate engagement. Texting, automation, applicant tracking, and other recruitment software help keep candidates up to date with the entire recruitment process. For example, employers can send automated messages to candidates, ensuring engagement is held automatically. Additionally, providing a Candidate FAQ section can help answer common applicant questions, improving transparency and engagement.

A good candidate engagement strategy is crucial for employers who want to hone their recruitment process. It helps organizations improve employer brand, build a bigger talent pool, and hire the best person for the role.