
Top 5 Recruitment Trends for 2023


Recruiting new and promising workers for your business is getting increasingly complicated, especially following the Global Labor Movement response to COVID-19. Younger generations are set to take up a larger fraction of the workforce, older generations are retiring left and right, part-time positions are being filled less than before, and contingent positions are being filled all over the Internet.

If a truly talented employee doesn’t get hired by you, they’ll likely be hired by a competitor — it’s up to you to get their attention right off the bat and prove you’re the business they want to work for. It’s crucial to be aware of the top recruitment trends for 2023 if you want to stay ahead of the market.


As has been the case in recent years, diversity and inclusion are at the forefront of recruitment priorities. Not only does a diverse workplace keep your business ethical, but it’s also been proven to Drive More Revenue and overall improve workflow. After all, more perspectives and voices are always helpful, Especially When Problem-Solving.

Ensuring a diverse and inclusive workplace begins early in the hiring process, when you write the job description. It’s important to use gender-neutral words in the job listing and any follow-up bodies of text. Studies have shown that women are less likely to apply to Job Listings That Use Masculine Words, such as he and him pronouns. Additionally, gendered wording may also alienate gender non-binary applicants. Sticking to gender-neutral words like they and them wherever possible should make your open position more appealing to everyone.

Fully remote hiring process

2020 largely set the tone for the decade by drawing remote work into the limelight. As we move into 2023, More Jobs Are Expected To Transition To Remote. Today, many job positions have become entirely remote after employers and employees realized not all jobs demand in-person work. Even if the position you’re hiring for is entirely in-person, keeping the hiring process remote may lead to more applicants.

For example, asking applicants to do interviews over Zoom rather than in person will make things significantly easier for applicants with busy schedules, children, current jobs, and limited transportation. In other words, you’ll be able to consider far more people and find the best fit possible by keeping the recruitment process remote.

Angling to younger generations

As Gen Z Enters The Workforce, job postings and recruitment campaigns will need to be angled even further toward young applicants. Additionally, the Retirement Wave of Older Generations is opening more opportunities for younger generations to move up in the system. Gen Z specifically is expected to take up over a quarter of the workforce within the next three years, which means businesses that want to succeed will need to prioritize recruiting younger workers.

Many young people care about flexibility, equity, career growth, and mental health in the workplace, so your businesses will need to prove they care about this just as much. Gen Z grew up in a complex time economically and many individuals are wary about starting the wrong job and being trapped or undervalued like previous generations. The job listing is the first place you show them that You Can Offer A Bright Future.

Freelance, contingent, and part-time

Along with 2020’s Transition To Remote Jobs, contingent and freelance jobs are here to stay. Freelance positions let workers dedicate themselves to a position while also letting them work elsewhere. Some contingent workers also have full-time or part-time jobs, whereas others juggle multiple freelance positions at once often within the same field such as software engineering or writing.

The global labor movement has also largely eliminated the need for Full-Time Workers To Work Additional Part-Time Jobs, which has notably left many part-time positions wide open. Converting any possible full-time or part-time positions to contingent positions will increase your recruitment market. Comparatively, restricting your position exclusively to full-time may keep active contingent professionals who would otherwise be a perfect fit for your company from applying.

Trusting analytics

Every work industry is different and changing in its own way, especially as we shift into 2023. Things no longer operate the way they did in 2013 or even in 2021, so being constantly aware of The Analytical Shifts, Demographics, And Statistics of your specific company and location is crucial for making the most out of your recruitment process.

Many businesses already have HR or IT handle these analytics, but so many forget to pay attention to these findings. Analytics help you identify where your business is lacking, how worthwhile it would be to hire someone freelance as opposed to full-time, and how many positions need to be filled, to begin with. Oleeo Global also provides built-in intelligence that helps you identify important data and improve efficiency from the hiring process through the day-to-day. Additionally, Analytics Will Help You Identify what type of employee you need, which should make the decision-making process even easier.