Did you see the latest annual statistical bulletin on the Civil Service?  In particular, how your department compared with others?  Which departments had the greatest headcount increases? Which departments were most successful in moving jobs out of London to Places for Growth?

We have created a concise summary below .

Change in FTEs 2024 v 2023:  Excluding machinery of government changes, at 33% the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets had the highest % increase in Full Time Employees, while the Home Office had the largest absolute increase at 7,770 a 19% increase compared to the Civil Service average of 5%.  Meanwhile HMRC had the biggest decrease -2,645 or 4%.  Full details can be found in Table 1 below. 

Attrition 2024:  Excluding machinery of government changes, at 27% the UK Supreme Court suffered the highest percent attrition, while Health & Social Care, MoJ and MoD were all above the Civil Service average (8%) and had some of the most significant numbers of leavers at 1,350, 9,645, and 5,090 respectively. 13 departments achieved stronger retention than the Civil Service average – most notably in absolute terms being DWP, Home Office, Scottish Government, FCDO and Welsh Government. Full details can be found in Table 2</> below.

Increases in Ethnic Minority Employment:  The number of ethnic minority employees increased 6,840 or 1.3% across the whole Civil Service.  13 departments increased the % of ethnic minorities by more than 1.3%.  The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets stands out for its 11.6% increase.  In absolute numbers the biggest increase in ethnic minorities were at DWP, MoJ, Health and Social Care, and DEFRA.  Ethnic minority employees increased almost by 5,000 employees at these five departments alone.  Only four departments saw a decrease in ethnic minorities.  See Table 3</> for more details. 

The Quality of Reporting on Ethnic Minorities:  The ethnicity of every new joiner or leaver is not captured.  Across the Civil Service 69% of new joiners provide information (including 2% who would prefer not to say).  Which departments are doing the best job at collecting accurate information on ethnicity?  100% of new joiners provide information at eight departments – of which most notable in absolute terms are HM Treasury and the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets.  NCA, DWP and Education are also notable in absolute terms and all collect information from more than 90% of new joiners.  Seven departments collected information from less than 50% of new joiners. See Table 4 for more details. 

Place for Growth 2024:  Across the whole Civil Service, the share of headcount in London decreased 0.3%, as result of London headcount increasing 2.8% versus a total headcount increase of 4.4%.   19 departments shifted a higher share of jobs outside London and six departments actually reduced headcount in London while increasing headcount elsewhere – most notably (in terms of absolute numbers) being the Cabinet Office, Health & Social Care and the Department for Transport (between them reducing London headcount by 750 while increasing headcount outside London by 1750).   Six departments increased their share of headcount in London.  See Table 5 for further details.

On 20 August the Office for National Statistics published its annual statistical bulletin on the Civil Service – Civil Service Statistics: 2024 the full reportA good high level summary can be found here CSW and here ONS (along with the actual bulletin).

Table 1: Change in FTEs 2024 v 2023

Civil Service parent department FTE Increase

2024 v 2023 

FTE Increase

as % 2023 FTEs

Office of Gas and Electricity Markets 500 33%
Water Services Regulation Authority 65 25%
Home Office 7,770 19%
Competition and Markets Authority 165 19%
Estyn 15 13%
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 520 13%
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 5 11%
Northern Ireland Office 15 9%
UK Supreme Court 5 9%
Department for Work and Pensions 5,955 8%
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office 635 7%
Chancellor’s other departments 25 6%
Cabinet Office 505 5%
Attorney General’s Departments 505 5%
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 605 5%
UK Export Finance 25 5%
Ministry of Justice 3,835 4%
HM Land Registry 235 4%
National Crime Agency 170 3%
Office of Rail and Road 10 3%
Department of Health and Social Care 240 2%
Ministry of Defence 1,225 2%
Scottish Government 460 2%
Department for Transport 250 2%
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation 5 1%
Department for Education 105 1%
Welsh Government 50 1%
Food Standards Agency 5 0%
HM Treasury 5 0%
Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland 0 0%
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills -45 -2%
The National Archives -20 -4%
HM Revenue and Customs -2,645 -4%
Charity Commission -30 -6%
UK Statistics Authority -460 -8%


Table 2: Attrition (2024 Leavers)


Civil Service parent department Leavers as % of 2023 headcount Headcount of all leavers from the Civil Service Excess leavers compared to the Civil Service Average
UK Supreme Court 27% 15 11
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets 14% 225 107
Department of Health and Social Care 13% 1,350 568
The National Archives 13% 75 30
Competition and Markets Authority 12% 110 41
Estyn 12% 15 5
Water Services Regulation Authority 11% 30 10
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 11% 5 2
Ministry of Justice 10% 9,645 2648
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills 10% 210 55
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation 10% 35 9
Charity Commission 10% 50 12
UK Export Finance 10% 50 10
HM Treasury 10% 260 54
UK Statistics Authority 10% 585 118
Office of Rail and Road 9% 35 7
Chancellor’s other departments 9% 40 8
Northern Ireland Office 9% 15 2
Ministry of Defence 9% 5,090 659
Department for Transport 9% 1,420 172
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 9% 165 17
Department for Education 8% 670 24
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 8% 1,000 5
Attorney General’s Departments 7% 790 -27
Cabinet Office 7% 745 -33
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 7% 285 -33
Food Standards Agency 7% 105 -15
Department for Work and Pensions 7% 5,780 -904
National Crime Agency 6% 335 -89
Home Office 6% 2,550 -734
Scottish Government 6% 1,620 -484
HM Revenue and Customs 6% 4,000 -1512
HM Land Registry 5% 325 -186
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office 5% 400 -270
Welsh Government 4% 250 -211
Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland 4% 5 -5
Overall Civil Service 8% 39,585 0


Table 3: Ethnic Minority Employment (Headcount Changes 2024 v 2023)


Civil Service parent department Increase in the number of ethnic minority employees 

(Difference in the number of declared ethnic minority new joiners less leavers)

Increase in the % of ethnic minority employees

(Difference in the number of declared ethnic minority new joiners less leavers as % 2023 headcount)

Office of Gas and Electricity Markets 180 11.6%
Water Services Regulation Authority 15 5.7%
Department for Work and Pensions 3,045 3.5%
Competition and Markets Authority 25 2.7%
Department of Health and Social Care 235 2.3%
UK Export Finance 10 1.9%
Cabinet Office 185 1.8%
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 215 1.6%
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 65 1.6%
Ministry of Justice 1,395 1.5%
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation 5 1.4%
Attorney General’s Departments 155 1.4%
Office of Rail and Road 5 1.4%
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills 25 1.2%
Chancellor’s other departments 5 1.2%
HM Treasury 30 1.1%
Home Office 400 0.9%
Department for Transport 145 0.9%
Department for Education 70 0.8%
National Crime Agency 35 0.6%
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 10 0.5%
UK Statistics Authority 20 0.3%
HM Revenue and Customs 220 0.3%
HM Land Registry 20 0.3%
Ministry of Defence 140 0.2%
Scottish Government 10 0.0%
The National Archives 0 0.0%
Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland 0 0.0%
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy -10 -0.1%
Department for International Trade -5 -0.1%
Welsh Government -10 -0.2%
Food Standards Agency -5 -0.3%
Department for Business and Trade 150
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero 20
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology 65
Overall Civil Service 6,840 1.3%


Table 4: The Quality of Ethnic Minority Reporting (New joiners making an active ethnic minority declaration)


Civil Service parent department % of new joiners making an active declaration Headcount of all entrant making an active declaration1
Estyn 100% 25
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office 100% 10
HM Treasury 100% 290
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets 100% 630
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation 100% 60
Office of Rail and Road 100% 50
UK Export Finance 100% 75
Water Services Regulation Authority 100% 95
National Crime Agency 95% 435
Department for Work and Pensions 94% 11,240
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills 93% 195
Attorney General’s Departments 90% 1,090
Department for Education 90% 690
UK Statistics Authority 88% 335
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 85% 195
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 82% 1,785
Cabinet Office 77% 1,220
Ministry of Justice 75% 10,535
The National Archives 72% 65
HM Revenue and Customs 71% 2,160
Department of Health and Social Care 71% 1,195
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 69% 170
Department for Transport 69% 1,330
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero 64% 285
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 64% 405
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology 62% 470
Ministry of Defence 60% 3,770
Charity Commission 57% 20
Food Standards Agency 57% 65
Department for Business and Trade 53% 640
Department for International Trade 45% 65
HM Land Registry 43% 200
Welsh Government 34% 90
Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland 33% 5
Home Office 32% 2,930
Scottish Government 30% 670
Northern Ireland Office 0% 0
Overall Civil Service 69% 43,830
  1. Calculated from total new joiners less new joiners  who have not made an active declaration about their ethnicity


Table 5: Place for Growth (Total and London Headcount Changes 2024 v 2023)

Civil Service parent department Headcount growth in London 2024 v 2023 Headcount growth 2024 v 2023 Share of Headcount in London
2024 v 2023
Change in Headcount in London
2024 v 2023
Change in Headcount
2024 v 2023
Northern Ireland Office -5.6% 12.1% -8.6% -5 20
Competition and Markets Authority 8.2% 18.1% -7.4% 65 165
Office of Rail and Road -7.1% 2.7% -5.4% -15 10
Department for Culture, Media and Sport -52.7% -49.7% -5.0% -865 -965
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 2.5% 12.8% -4.8% 55 535
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 0.0% 11.1% -4.4% 0 5
Cabinet Office -3.0% 5.0% -4.2% -170 515
HM Treasury -4.0% 0.2% -3.3% -85 5
Home Office 9.4% 18.3% -2.6% 1,370 7,895
Chancellor’s other departments 2.9% 5.9% -2.4% 10 25
Department of Health and Social Care -2.2% 2.1% -2.3% -120 220
Charity Commission -18.8% -6.0% -2.2% -15 -30
Food Standards Agency -11.1% 0.3% -1.6% -25 5
Department for Transport -4.6% 1.6% -1.3% -155 265
Department for Education -1.9% 1.4% -0.9% -45 115
UK Export Finance 5.1% 5.8% -0.6% 25 30
Ministry of Justice 1.3% 4.5% -0.5% 210 4,115
UK Statistics Authority -17.2% -8.8% -0.5% -55 -540
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills -4.8% -2.2% -0.4% -15 -45
Attorney General’s Departments 4.5% 4.9% -0.2% 215 530
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets 32.4% 32.8% -0.2% 280 510
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 4.3% 4.9% -0.1% 115 645
Department for Work and Pensions 5.8% 6.9% -0.1% 530 6,045
HM Revenue and Customs -4.4% -3.8% -0.1% -450 -2,725
The National Archives -3.4% -3.4% 0.0% -20 -20
Welsh Government 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0 60
Scottish Government 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 0 485
Estyn 12.0% 0.0% 0 15
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation 2.9% 0.0% 0 10
UK Supreme Court 9.1% 9.1% 0.0% 5 5
Ministry of Defence 2.4% 2.2% 0.0% 100 1,270
HM Land Registry 8.9% 4.2% 0.3% 35 280
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office 8.3% 7.2% 0.5% 380 635
Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland 0.0% -3.8% 1.4% 0 -5
Water Services Regulation Authority 31.3% 24.5% 1.6% 25 65
National Crime Agency 9.6% 3.2% 1.7% 150 180
Department for Business and Trade 4,495 9,610
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero 3,195 4,360
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology 2,080 6,730
Overall Civil Service 2.8% 4.4% -0.3% 2,885 23,060