Oleeo Events
The power to be more eventful.
Oleeo streamlines recruiting events by automating the tasks that otherwise distract from an engaging, memorable experience. From mobile candidate registration and check-ins to automated pre and post event communications, Oleeo Events keeps recruiters focused on engagement instead of logistics.
Master Events with the Oleeo Recruiting App
The power to simplify events for everyone
With Oleeo, recruiters automate event logistics, including candidate registrations, pre- and post- event communications, surveys and interviews.
Dynamic workflows make it easy for recruiters to design around any event type, whether virtual or in-person.
The power to go mobile.
With Oleeo, candidates can easily register for an event, build a profile, upload documents, and check in from any device.
Recruiters can use text or QR codes to speed up the process, delivering the fast and easy experience candidates expect.
The power to engage and convert.
With Oleeo, recruiters don’t let a single connection go to waste. Recruiters can automate and schedule personal follow ups and messaging to keep qualified candidates interested and informed.
Oleeo Events Features
Event Management
Create and manage virtual and in-person recruiting events -- reducing your workload while delivering successful events.
Automated Workflows
Automate pre-event and onsite candidate registration with tailored and dynamic workflows, meeting your unique event needs.
Registration Form Builder
Choose from pre-built templates or build your own registration form, capturing the information you need to know.
Mobile App
Leverage the Oleeo Events mobile app, supporting events anywhere, anytime.
Candidate Registration & Check In
Empower candidates to register, upload documents, and check in from any device (including via text or QR code), delivering a great candidate experience.
Candidate Communication Hub
Provide candidates with a private page that delivers all their registration history and allows self-service actions like time slot scheduling or survey completion.
Read more to get the Oleeo advantage
Our resources library includes a selection of customer stories where Oleeo has helped to transform talent acquisition.